
Wednesday, January 19, 2011

S is for Snowman Activity: Puffy Paint Snowmen

Book :

Just a Snowman by Mercer Meyer

Activity: Puffy paint Snowman

This is a really easy & fun activity for lil hands! Highly recommended!

- shaving cream
-liquid glue
-construction paper
-1 brown pipe cleaner
-2 googly eyes
-sequins, stickers or other such items you may have on hand

To make the puffy paint mixture simply mix equal parts shaving cream with liquid glue - I use equal parts bc it sticks really well & my girls love the decorating aspect of this craft! The girls loved mixing this up! Messy but fun! Have napkins/towels/washcloths/wipes handy, lol!

Step 1: Use the Puffy paint to make your snowman - I let the girls dig in with their fingers and fingerpaint the snowman! They did really well and enjoyed doing it this way. You could use craft sticks or paintbrushes too.

Step 2: Add eyes, pipe cleaner arms (I do reinforce this with glue to ensure they stick1) a nose, mouth and decorate as you wish! I let the girls just go with this and use whatever I put out which included sequins and stickers in assorted sizes and shapes.

Step 3: Behold your Puffy Paint Snowman!

Have you worked with puffy paint before? What do you think?

If you haven't & decide to give a try be sure to come back & let me know what you think! 

My girls really loved this craft! :)



  1. I am your newest follower, from Tuesdays blog hop!! I hope you get a chance to visit and follow back! I love your blog btw....beautiful girls!

  2. Thanks for stopping by my blog...I'm happy to be following you back. This craft is SO cute- well done, girls! :)

  3. love the book * sweet project to compliment it :)

  4. My boys love to play with puffy snow! What a great project idea. :) We'll be on the lookout for that book!!

    Thanks for linking up to Friendly Wednesday! Hope to see you there next week.


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