
Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Wordless/Wordish Wednesday - Stuffed w/Love

Before I get to the actual post I just have to share that this is officially my 100th Post! Wow!

I didn't think when starting this blog a few month ago that I would have much to say (guess I do!) or that anyone would care to even read it (YAY! - you do!)!

Thank you all for sharing my blogging journey with me & reading my posts/thoughts! It really means so much when you take the time to visit and comment! :)

I am enjoying this experience immensely and some fun things are in store in the near future which I am very excited about! STAY TUNED!


Now onto the originally scheduled post, lol!

I think the picture speaks for itself but.....

This is my Littlest Diva with all her friends!

She sleeps with them all each and every night - rotating who gets the "favored" spot of sleeping next to her!

She arranges them with care on her bed and she knows if someone is missing! It amazes me!

She is such a lil cuddle bug! She truly loves each and every one of her "stuffed friends"!

There are currently 21 stuffed friends taking up residence with her on her bed, lol!

Isn't my Lil Cuddlebug Diva just too cute? :)



  1. very cute! My daughter loves stuffed animals to they have taken over my living room!

  2. How adorable. I think all kids should have their own personal collection of stuffed animals. Moo's collection consists of stuffed frogs.

  3. New follower from MBC. Followed on Google Connect, Facebook and Twitter. Would love a follow back. Thanks!

  4. My mom used to tell me how I had to have every stuffed animal I owned in bed with me before I would go to sleep at night :)

    Thanks for following by blog: My Life is a Reality Show...I am now returning the favor and am your newest follower!

    I also have 2 other blogs you may be interested in.

    Living Day to Day...


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    Have a great day and congrats on your 100th post! Dede

  5. Very cute! My son likes to chooose who to sleep with as well.

    New to following you from MBC!

  6. WOW how did you get so many followers so fast? Teach me

  7. Wow! I just showed this pic. to my little one and she loved it. She loves stuffed animals as well and chooses a different one to sleep with each night!

  8. Congrats on your 100th post! Yes, your daughter is very cute indeed!

  9. Thanks for the follow! Following you back.
    You might also like Learning and Teaching with Preschoolers.

  10. My boyfriends daughter brings a suitcase (one of the small cary-on sized suitcases to our place to sleep on weekends. it is 90% filled with stuffed animals! Each one gets arranged in specific spots : )

    I am anew follower from the Thursday Blog Hop!

  11. That is too cute! Thanks for stopping by my blog and the encouraging comments regarding natural birth.
    I'm following you now :)

  12. Happy to be a new follower from the blog hop!
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  13. New GFC follower stopping by from the thursday blog hop If you get a moment please check out my blog. Thanks!


  14. Aww your little girl is so cute!

    I just found your blog through a Thursday blog hop! Have a great night.

    Amanda @

  15. So adorable!

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  16. Dropping by to say, "Hello!" Saw you at FTLOB's Fab Fridays.


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