
Wednesday, February 9, 2011

10 Reasons Why My Hubby is AMAZING!

With Valentine's Day just around the corner (or week!) it's the perfect time to be a little mushy and emotional. With two Lil Divas and a busy daily life - I definitely do not make the time to be as mushy as I should when it comes to my amazing hubby!

I go on and on about my Lil Divas on this blog so I thought I would give the hubby a post all his own & even make it a flattering one too!

Aren't I just the best, most awesomely special wife out there? Yes, I am - I know! He knows it too! :)

So here it goes - a la Lettermen Style:

The Top 10 Reasons Why My Hubby is Amazing:

10. He is intelligent. He proved this beyond a shadow of a doubt when he made the wise decision to marry ME! :)

9. He is hardworking. He works 18+hr days/nights so that I can be a SAHM to our girls. He goes with little to no sleep but never shucks his responsibilites either at work or at home.

8. He is loyal. I love and respect that he would never turn his back on those he loves.

7. He is honest. He calls it as he sees it and is not phony. Sometimes this makes me angry and makes us clash but I respect him for his honesty even if I don't always agree with him.

6. He is Tidy - seriously this has to be mentioned bc if truth be told - he is much neater and tidier than I am. The man sweeps and mops every night! I HATE those chores & love that he has a compulsion to do them!

5. He is Easy Going. He is not high maintenance. He does not ask for or require much and he is never commanding or overbearing. He might complain about things from time to time but for the most part he is very patient, flexible and understanding of what I need or want to do. At times I know this is a task! I am not the easiest person in the world - I acknowledge & accept that about myself, lol!

4. He is tall, dark & handsome! Seriously he is over 6ft tall, has dark hair/eyes & is pretty easy on the eyes! It's what first attracted me to him - let's be honest! I am seriously blessed that what's on the inside is even better than the package on the outside!

3. He is Fun. He is always ready to do something, never shying away from one of my ideas or a family adventure. We are always on the go and creating wonderful memories as a family. I love this about us!

2. He honestly and truly loves me and accepts me for who I am - faults and flaws and all! Honestly, what more can you ask for in a partner? He knows the good, the bad, and the oh so ugly and loves me anyway! I have never doubted his love for me and he always shows it - even when I forget to at times.

1. He is an awesome Daddy! He is a hands-on dad! He helps with the daily care of the girls when he is home.  He is an active part of their everyday life. He watches them when I have to work on his days off and will go without sleep and sacrifice whatever it takes to make them happy or be there for a special event. I could not ask for a better Daddy for my girls and it makes me fall in love with him all over again everytime I see him with them.

I love you Honey - Today, Tomorrow & Always!

You are an Amazing Husband & Father.  I hope you always know & feel how much you TRULY mean to me even when I fail to show it as much as I should.




  1. Sweet tribute!! Maybe this will get ya some sweet bonus points. ;)

    Have a great evening.

  2. I am a new follower to your blog and I am glad I stopped by, your blog is great! You guys make a beautiful couple and your list is really sweet!

  3. Love seeing such happy families. Your girls are beautiful!!
    I'm following you back from for Keeping Company Tuesdays blog hop! Look forward to reading more about your beautiful family.

  4. What a wonderful tribute to him. Bet he loved it.

  5. It's nice to see wives acknowledge the good thing their hubbies do! Found you on the blog hop, i'm your newest follower. Heather

  6. Your husband sounds great could you send me a clone. Just kidding I play it solo but having a good man around is always a nice thing. Well I found you via the blog hop and am your newest follower you can find me at  The Mommy Chronicles

  7. That is just so sweet! He sounds like an amazing hubby and daddy! :0)

  8. What a sweet list! I love great families, and the world needs more great dads!

    I found you on Mom Blogs, please come visit me too!

  9. It's good that you know how blessed you are. Hope he knows how blessed he is to have a wife that will post such things about him :)

    New follower.

  10. Super sweet post! It's so nice to see people appreciating their hubbys! Following you from Stalk Hop Friday!

    Leetah East


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