
Thursday, February 24, 2011

Beat the Winter Blues: Fun Ways to Battle BLAH Days with Kids

Living in FL we don't have to battle the SNOW but having lived in NY for over 22 years I know what it's like! It's not always easy to get outdoors with little ones so here are a few easy and fun ways to have FUN at home.

1. Kids love MESS! Go ahead and whip out the paints/art supplies and let them create and get messy! Better yet - join in on the fun! You'll see how quickly the time passes while you create and share giggles.

2. Too cold to enjoy the snow outside? Bring some snow inside (or use insta-snow), put on some mittens and enjoy some snowy fun in the warmth of your own home! How can you beat that?

3. Pump up the Volume & DANCE, DANCE, DANCE! Kids love to boogie but it's even more fun when mom/dad join in! So go ahead and put on those dancing shoes & get jiggy with it! :)

4. Bake - Let the kids join you in the kitchen to create a yummy treat. It's a great way to teach important skills like pouring, measuring and following directions. Plus, you end up with a yummy reward for all that hard work!

5. Play! Break out the toys, board games, dress-up clothes, etc and just have FUN together. For kids, there is nothing better than time spent with you and the memories you create will last a lifetime.

Have Fun,


  1. Stopping by to say Hi and Happy Follow Friday! Following you!
    I have a whole bunch of giveaways going on if you wanted to check them out!
    Visit Mom and More

  2. Following from Friendly Friday. Please come follow me at

    I have a $25 Joann’s gift card giveaway going on right now.

  3. #1- you are so right! I need to make myself do this more often (I always resist it!) It is so much fun once we get going & my girls LOOOOOVE messy art.

    #3- oh my gosh, I love it when my girls start dancing to music! And I love dancing with them! :)

    Great post & a good reminder to just go ahead & fill your days with fun stuff!! :)

    (Thanks for checking out my Valentine Sharing Time & I hope you keep reading & sharing in future Link-Ups! :)

  4. What a clever blog post-blah days and how to get through them. Oh I almost forgot to tell you, I love the name of your blog-very catchy.

  5. I am a new follower, from Spicey Weekend Blog Hop hope you can follow back. Your girls are darling and look like they have lots of fun!

  6. Hello,
    New follower from Saturday’s Blog Hop, please come and checkout out

  7. Hi newest follower from Spicy Blog Hop, have a wonderful day!

  8. just came across your blog! it's fabulous! you have some great insight on your posts!

  9. Hello, I stopped by from Boost My Blog and I am now a new follower.

  10. How odd, i'm 23 and not a mom or anything but i still enjoy some of this stuff with my mom and sister :) a friend gifted me Scrabble on my last birthday (I LOVE boardgames) and my sis and I then started playing every night :) we stopped coz she got tired of losing lol. Not that I'm much better!
    Gosh your post brings back SO many memories! I won't flood your comments with them :P
    Hopped on over from FTLOB :)

  11. Great suggestions! Don't forget Hide and Seek or Sardines - and making forts.

  12. We need to turn on Christmas music and dance to it today.


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