
Friday, February 18, 2011

I Would Like to Thank the Academy......

Gosh, I am so suprised and I don't have my speech prepared as I was awarded not one but 2 Blog Awards over the last few days! :) (You really, really LIKE me - HaHa!)

This really put a smile on my face which has been no easy feat because I am still sick - YUCK! I just can't shake this thing and the girls are still lingering with sickness too! Looks like we need a return trip to the doctor. I would launch a full scale cleaning attack on our germ infested home but I am simply too tired! :(

So back to the awards -

The 1st Award is the ever so SWEET

Irresistably Sweet Blog Award which was given to me by Dizzy C over at Dixxy C's Little Book Blog! If you haven't stopped by her book loving blog - head on over! She never disappoints!

To accept this award I have to pass it along to six other bloggers and I must confess to four guilty pleasures (YIKES)

  1. Reality TV - I am addicted! There's just somehting about watching other people come unraveled that I find comforting! Is that bad? HaHa! Just kidding but really I can't help but watch - it fascinates me!
    2.  SWEETS - candy, baked goods, chocolate, ice cream - you name it and I LOVE it!  

    3.  The Internet -  I am up all hours of the night blogging (my new found addiction) and reading other  blogs, searching the internet, etc... I sneak on every chance I get and that includes getting my emails and updates on real time on my mobile phone! Can you say - ADDICTED!

    4.  Shopping - it's most often for my girls and not myself but I LOVE it! All those adorable outfits and accessories - I just can't help myself - they look so darn cute!

I would like to pass this on to
1. Amy @ Social Studies Momma
2. Chantal @ First Came Twins
3. Tahnie @Two One Ten
4. Jess @2 Cute Chickadees and a Sweet Pea
5. Adventures in Abbyland
6. Tamara @ Adventures of a First Time SAHM

The 2nd Award is the ever stylish


The Versatile Blogger was bestowed upon me by Bethany at Our 3 Sons Plus 1 Super Cute Girly Girl

To formally accept this award I have to pass it along to 15 other bloggers and I must give 7 interesting tidbits about myself .

1. I studied psychology in college in the hopes of being a school psychologist but once I graduated and started teaching IN THE CLASSROOM I fell in love with it. After taking a few classes towards my Masters degree in School Psychology - I switched gears and abandoned it knowing it wasn't where my heart was! I never looked back.  I LOVE being a teacher and it's what I will go back to once my girls are in school full time in the next few years!

2. I am afraid to ride a bike. I fell off a bike when I was young and got a wire (from a fence) stuck in my leg and was traumatized by the incident to the point that I did not ride again! I encourage my girls to ride but I won't do it! :)

3. I never really learned to swim - I can do it enough not to drown but I am pretty bad! My girls are getting lessons from now so they won't end up like me!

4. Seeing someone brush their teeth makes me nauseous - especially if they let the foam gather all over their mouth - I am nauseous just writing this as I think about it! I battle this everyday as I help my girls brush their teeth - my least favorite Mom job!

5. I love vampire/faery/supernatural type books - especially romance ones! It's a weakness of mine!

6. I love cinnamon - especially in baked goods! I could go for a warm cinnamon roll with cream cheese icing right now!

7. I hate my hair! It's a cross between curly/wavy and stringy! I wish I had my Lil Diva's hair - I have serious hair envy!

I am passing this award on to:
1. The Mom Road
2.  Mommy's Moments
3. Bee Cute
4. Caring For Our Blessings
5. A Tisket A Tasket
6. What This Mom Knows
7. What Happens at NapTime...
8. Welcome to the Super Mom Club
9. Tots and Me
10. The Toy Box Years
11. The Little Lady
12. The M-Files
13. The Chatty Mommy
14. Super Mom Blog
15. Mommying on the Fly



  1. Congratulations! That is wonderful news. I am happy for you. :)

  2. You are very welcome to the award. :)

    Choc, reality tv, the internet and shopping, sounds like a perfect weekend! Oh, but the kids need feeding LoL

    Off to check out those other blogs

    have a good weekend


  3. New follower. Found you on the hop. I am also addicted to reality tv, chocolate and the internet!!

  4. Another new follower from Boost your Blog Friday. Cinnamon is definitely one of the finer things in life.

  5. Congratulations for your awards! That's so great and you really deserves them....I love reality tv, too....and most of the time is hard to find clothes for myself but not for my princess....really cute outfits there and more when my little one truly believe she's a real

  6. Woot Woot.. Thank you sooooo much.. I'll try and get this up ASAP.. lol.. (coming from a HUG procrastinator, that MAY be some time next week) and BTW congrats on being featured as the Saturday Playdate... Hope you guys have a great weekend...

  7. Congrats on the awards! I am a new follower stopping by from LeeAnn's Saturday Playdate!

  8. Congratulations on the award and thank you so much for passing it on to me! I have my post up now. Spreading the bloggy love ;D

  9. Congrats and thanks for the pass along!! I feel so honored!!

  10. Congrats on the awards!!! Thank you for sharing the Versatile Award with me. I really appreciate it. Sorry it took me so long to come by. I was offline for several days but am now back. Thanks!

  11. I wanted to say thank you for such a sweet award!! You totally made my day! I know you gave this to my blog a few days ago and I'm sorry I haven't thanked you yet. I actually received news the day before that my dad was rushed to the hospital so I haven't been around much since Thursday. With everything going on, your post and the award were a wonderful surprise and just what I needed :) Thank you!!

    and congrats on your two awards!!!

  12. Congratulations and thank you so much for passing this on to me!!! I'm very honored and I really enjoy reading your blog!


Thanks for taking the time to visit Mom to 2 Posh Lil Divas! I hope you will stay awhile to explore all we have to offer!