
Friday, February 11, 2011

Learning Fun - H is for Heart :Writing Activities

With  both girls being sick we definitely have not had the usual amount of time or energy to devote to our learning and crafting fun but I thought I'd share some of what we did get to do this week for H is for Heart

I am going to make different posts for Writing, Pre-Reading/Language, Fine Motor and Math.

More to come this weekend as we tackle a quick V is for Valentine! I hate feeling so behind! I had so much planned but guess I will save it for next year! :(

H is for Heart Theme

Books we read this week:

Writing Activities:

To practice the Letter H the girls did some letter hunting, some tracing, do-a-dot stamping and a fun craft where they made the letter Hh out of hearts stickers (they really enjoyed that one!)

Letter Hh Sticker Fun (I ordered a large bag of patterend sticker hearts from Oriental Trading & we have been freely using & enjoying them) For this activity I provided the Lil Divas with a sheet of construction paper on which I had printed large H and h. Then they used heart stickers to form the letters.

I found the Do-A-Dot Hh Printable at Confessions of a Homeschooler (love her site!)

Another Fun (but MESSY) Writing Practice Activity - Shaving Cream Writing



  1. Thanks for stopping by!! My weigh in was good! I was down 1lb! Your girls are so pretty!!! And this was an awesome activity!

    I am a new follower!!!


  2. Love it!!! You are such a good mom and you have SO much fun with the girls!
    Hope they feel better!

  3. New follower from the blog hop! Would love a follow back too at :) Thanks!

  4. What a fun idea for V-Day! Your girls are adorable. And what a good momma planning this all out :)
    Happy Weekend Blog Hop!

  5. Thanks so much for posting all the links to those activities. It looks like they are having a lot of Valentines day fun. I hope everyone feels better soon!

  6. Cute ideas! Following from Sweet & Simple Saturday. -Buffi
    My Wonderfully Dysfunctional Blog

  7. yay! so cool * fun preschool activities at home are the best * *


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