
Sunday, February 20, 2011

Young at Art

This weekend we took the girls to Young at Art Children's Museum in Davie, FL. The Lil Divas always have a great time there because it's so hands-on. I just love museums where they can touch, play, explore, create and learn. Don't you?

We always start off with the EarthWorks exhibit for some recycling fun! They also have a really cool musical alleyway and of course the girls fave - the landfill slide!! :)


Then we move on to the Global Village where there is so much to see, craft and do! This time the Lil Divas tried their hand at Japanese writing, played on the African Drums and made some Latin American Rag dolls!


Another favorite room/exhibit is Kenny's Closet (artist Kenny Scharf). This is a way cool psychedelic day-glo black light room. It is hard to take pics in there but believe me it is an experience!

The special exhibit (which changes every few months) currently on display is a great Tree House exhibit that we actually spent a lot of time in. There was lots to explore, build and learn about.


I really liked the crafts they had in this section and the Lil Divas made some beautiful art work using cardboard as the backdrop, twine, leaves, rocks and newspaper! I loved their ideas and I plan to display the finished products at home - they look so cute!


We always leave Young at Art with so many art projects and crafts that the Lil Divas have made during our visit. It was another wonderful visit to a fabulous place!

What are your fave "kid" places to visit with your kiddos?



  1. you really have posh kids! they are gorgeous!

    following from blog hop! hope you can follow me back


  2. Thanks for linking up this weekend at Relax and Surf Sunday. Just hoping by to say thanks, and wish you a good week!

  3. Looks like great fun, and some amazing artwork created! Awesome weekend!

  4. Hi, I am a new follower who found you through the “Mom Blog Monday” blog hop. I love to find new blogs to follow, so I’m looking forward to following yours. If you are able, I appreciate a follow back ~ I’m still a new blogger and a growing blog is a happy blog!
    Thank you!
    ~KerrieLynn ღೋ☙❤

  5. It looks like they had a lot of fun! We took the kids to the Discovery museum in LA a few months back and they loved it. They love all the hands on stuff, as do the hubby and I lol.

    New follower from the Mom's Blog hop 8)

  6. What a neat museum! It looks like so much fun. I don't think we have anything like that around here. Pittsburgh does have a few museums, the science center, and children's museum, then there's the zoo, and the aviary, but I haven't been to any of those places since I was a kid. We'll probably take Adaline to the zoo this summer :)

  7. Following you from MFM would love for you to follow back

  8. I'm your newest follower from Totally Tuesday Blog Hop -- have a great week.

    You can find me here:

  9. Oh that looks like such a fun place! They did a wonderful job on their art projects. I love those too!


Thanks for taking the time to visit Mom to 2 Posh Lil Divas! I hope you will stay awhile to explore all we have to offer!