
Thursday, March 17, 2011

Darn, Those Messy Leprechauns - They Struck Again!

It is quite well known that leprechauns are tricky, sneaky & messy lil guys. So it was no suprise that they wreaked havoc on our house last night while we all slept peacefully! Those sneaky tricksters!

Here's a peek at what my Lil Lassies found this morning in their room when they opened their eyes!

So, what do you do when you spy a trail of gold?

You follow it & collect it of course!

YAY! We are rich Mommy!

Oh, NO! The Leprechauns struck in our playroom too! Those tricksters!

Happy St. Patrick's Day 2011!


Here's a look back at St. Paddy's Day 2010! It was by far my favorite to date - look at these faces! Priceless!

Oh, NO! What happened here?

My Stuff! I do not like this one bit!

So, what do you do when a leprechaun has strewn all your things across the floor - You ANGRILY & HASTILY clean it up of course!

Then you sulk ........ 

(just look at these sad faces - priceless!) 

until Mommy makes it all better & makes you laugh! 

St. Patrick's Day 2010

Happy St. patrick's Day to you all! May you have lots of luck, love & good fortune today & everyday!


 Check out our St. Patrick's Day Activities!



  1. I love it! what a good I'm going to have to steal for next year!

  2. Great idea! Love the girls' sad faces, so funny. Happy St. Patrick's Day to you and yours.

  3. What a fun mom you are! And I love the pics and story from last year...too cute! My daughter would probably freak out if she thought someone was in her room while she was sleeping...she already wasn't too sure about Santa being in the house. LOL

    Happy St. Patty's Day!

  4. soooo cute!!! u guys really go all out :D like the gold coin trail! happy friday ~ ~ ~

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