
Sunday, March 6, 2011

I've Failed Blogging 101 & I Don't Care! Do You?

Lately I have been reading so many blog posts/articles about blogging. I must say having only started this blog in November 2010 - I am a Newbie.

I admit, I don't get it all and I'm sure I make mistakes but at the end of the day this blog is ME. It is about who I am, what I think and feel and what I do. So how can others tell me what I should do or how I should do it? I don't get it!

I post when I can, I am a MOM - I am busy and I have responsibilities other than this blog. Don't get me wrong - I LOVE this blog. It is an outlet for me and a way to share with others and meet others. I just don't get why there should be a maximum or minimum of posts, certain content, etc...

Granted, that may be why I don't get 100 comments on my posts like some other blogs I frequent but I am happy with my few - it tells me people are out there and they are reading. I'm okay with that. Actually, I am happy with that. When I first started this blog - I figured no one would read it. I have been pleasantly suprised to find otherwise.

I might not be getting rich off this blog and I might not become famous (who am I kidding - most likely not, lol!) but it makes me happy to write my lil blog. If anyone decides to join me along the way - hooray! I am overjoyed to have you and I hope you find something you like and decide to stick around but that's not why I blog. I blog for ME.

Sure, I try to think about what other people may find interesting but honestly, that's hard & how can I please everybody? I can't! So after reading all those articles (and finding that I am probably doing everything wrong - according to their formulas for success) I have decided to stick with my own methods! I am going to keep writing about what interests me and what makes me happy - in my own way.

I hope you like what I have to offer here, even if it is sometimes all over the place. That's just me - it's how my mind works! I have a lot going on at once & I want to share it with you. Why limit myself for the sake of having a niche? I have no idea what my niche is & I'm ok with that, lol!

This blog is about sharing my adventures in motherhood, funny stories about my Lil Divas, our adventures in learning together at home, our family fun, great products, deals and events that are too good to keep to myself, and whatever else comes along that I deem post worthy! It might not adhere to any blogger success formulas but it's mine & I LOVE it! :)

So while I apparently have failed Blogging 101 - I don't really care! I'm happy with what I've got here! Are you?



  1. When I first started blogging last July I worried about my 'little blog' not being like the more established blogs. To the point that I named it a little blog.

    Now it is not so little but along the way I
    have learnt that being myself is what attracts
    people to visit and that it must never become a chore.

    I am also a busy mum and there are days I dont
    get to my blog.
    Some days I rush online and dont get to read or comment on all the blogs I follow (way too many).
    There are some days I just say, I dont wanna blog today. It will still be there tomorrow and a good post is better than a post where I am not really into it.

    I enjoy reading your blog, dont always have time to comment, but still follow.


  2. Blogging should be fun so blog the way YOU want to! I have to remind myself of that a lot.

    I'm a new follower from Relax and Surf Sunday. Nice to meet you!

    Wife on the Roller Coaster

  3. I love your blog in the end blogging is supposed to be about your ideas, your reason for buying items and your attention to the things that your divas love. What makes them want to learn, why and with what tools. Continue the blog as you have been doing. Even an older person like myself can learn from you and your Divas..It's very interesting and compeling. Love It...

  4. I just started at the end of January, and yeah you're right, we should just blog how we want to! I have tried different things but it can get exhausting...I like that your blog is simple :)

  5. Hi there. I've just popped over from the Sunday Blog hop and your blog really caught my eye, so , there you are, you are definitely doing everything right!! I only started blogging at the end of October just gone, but I so agree with you. I think all we have to do is to be ourselves and I think people can relate to that! Nice to meet you.

  6. I really appreciate you wrote this. Don't most bloggers start out just writing a blog for themselves and then along the way get caught up in what we're "supposed" to be doing? So I say amen sistah! Keep doing it ur way make yourself happy!!

  7. Stopping by to say hi from the Sunday Blog Hop
    Stop by any time.

  8. Following you from the Relax and Surf Sunday Blog Hop. You're doing something right!! I started my blog a month before you and don't have nearly as many followers. But, as you said... blogging is about our own process, our own journey. It will be what it is meant to be.

  9. Those blogging people know what they're talking about...but it really depends on why your blogging and what you're blogging about for any of their stuff to really make a difference. As long as you're happy with your blog, that's all that matters.

    It seems like you're doing great. I've been blogging since August and I don't have hardly any readers. I just don't have the time to devote to my blog that I'd like to have. Oh well.

  10. You're doing fabulous for just starting. You are a great size! I didn't grow that fast.

    Hi! I'm a new follower from the hop. Please follow me back at

  11. I bet I've failed LOL! It sure is fun though. I started in Jan. of this year and am an addict already ;)

    I'm following from the hop.

  12. I'm with you. I blog for me, mostly to have a record of the the fun times with my family. If I get comments or someone can use my ideas, more the better!

  13. I love the crafty things you do with your girls. Keep it up!

  14. Girl I failed Blogging 101 right out of the gate, LOL....and I don't care. I love your blog =)

    I have 104 followers and it was hard getting that many and look at you with your almost 800...your on fire!! What's your secert and how did you start doing reviews/giveaways? I would love to do reviews and giveaways!!!

    What your doing on your blog is what WE as moms love to see, hear and read! Keep all your posts coming.


Thanks for taking the time to visit Mom to 2 Posh Lil Divas! I hope you will stay awhile to explore all we have to offer!