
Monday, March 7, 2011

Mama Monday w/Toddler Awesome

I thought it would be fun to jump in and answer the questions this week and let you in on a little bit more about ME!

1. Do you have tattoos?

Yes, 1 - a small butterfly with a rose on my lower back. My dad took me to get it for my 21st birthday! :)

2. What are 5 things about you we don't yet know.

1.  I do not like to cook - if I could get away with take-out everyday I would. I like to eat but I really hate the mess and clean-up that comes afterwards.
2. I suffer from insomnia quite a bit lately. I miss being able to sleep well! :(
3. I wish I could be a stay at home mom until my girls were older. I really love being able to do this right now and I hate that I will miss out on things for them when I have to go back to teaching. I wish I could do it all!
4. I am obsessive - once something pops into my head - it pretty much takes over! Big reason for the insomnia - my mind can't shut down!
5. I am always busy - I give myself a million projects. There's just so much I want to do and I am not the kind of person that does things halfway!  :)

3. What is your hubby's best quality when it comes to the kiddies?

His ability to just lose himself and play with them. I kind of envy it. Like I said above - my mind is always going so even when I am playing - I tend to be planning, thinking, etc. He just seems to let it all go & enjoy the moment with them. I love watching them together.
Now that you know a bit more about me - Stop by & link up your Mom blog with Toddler Awesome!


  1. I don't like to cook either. I'm totally with you on that. It's not that I'm incapable of cooking, I just don't LIKE to. I'm also always thinking ahead to the mess AFTER cooking/eating. So in order to avoid the mess, I just don't cook... even though I should, so much better for a person than take out and processed, frozen meals. Oh well. :)


  2. I am so with you on being obsessive and totally overwhelming myself with projects, but it keeps me busy and that makes me happy!

  3. So sorry to hear you are having troubles with insomnia!! I had terrible insomnia some years back when getting burnt out on my job as a prison psychologist. Even after I quit my job, my sleep never quite returned to its former glory. Though now that I have had baby-forced insomnia I can sleep like the dead when I get the chance!! Hope you can get to sleeping better soon! - Amy

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