
Friday, April 1, 2011

Lil Divas April Fools Breakfast

In honor of April Fool's Day I decided it was time to prank the Lil Divas! I knew they were old enough to get the joke once I explained so this morning for breakfast I served up:

A cereal bowl of BLUE milk and 1 lonely Cereal

 and some GREEN orange juice!

The Oldest Diva was not HAPPY and immediately wanted to know who ate her cereal (LOL!)
while the youngest, though definitely confused sat right down and ate that 1 piece of cereal and promptly began slurping up the milk (gotta love her!)

Once I explained to them it was a joke because today is April Fools Day - they laughed and wanted in onthe fun so we have been playing jokes on loved ones all day!

Some of my faves:
~ The Oldest Diva calling grandma (and then grandpa) to tell them that a boy cut her hair at school.
~ The Oldest had her arm wrapped up so she could show up to her other grandparents house and fake she had been hurt at school today! :)

Looks like we have started a new tradition in the Lil Diva house! :)

Happy April Fool's Day,


  1. Cute! I did Green Almond milk this morning : ) great minds think alike : )
    Enjoy your day!

  2. I can't wait until the twins are old enough to play tricks on. My husband made me promise I wouldn't play a trick on him LOL! If you get a chance swing by 2 Against 1 and linking up to TGIF blog hop (Friday). Happy Friday!!

  3. found you on the weekend blog hop-
    please follow back.

  4. I am a little bit late for the friday blog hop, but I followed you anyway.
    hope you could visit mine and follow as well. tnx!...

  5. Following from Blog Hop - my blog is at

  6. I LOVE this!

    My girls are too young to be pranked, but I cannot wait until they understand.

    Stopping by from UBP!



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