
Saturday, April 2, 2011

Mom Confession: I Secretly LOVE Getting......


Yes, that horribly annoying task of having to produce ID everytime you order a drink in your 20's is suddenly a giggle inducing, ego boosting, brag worthy episode in your 30's (and beyond I'm sure!)

Last night I went out for impromptu dinner & drinks with family (all women) while my hubby and girls slept the night away! That in itself was exhilarating, then as we sat and laughed and decided on which drinks we would have - it happened!

I ordered a Hawaiian Volcano (yummy!) and the waiter said - "Can I see your ID please?"

We all laughed, as I blushed and fished out my ID, everyone proclaiming it was a wonderful compliment!

He took my ID and actually took a moment to inspect it - I had thought he was joking!

How lovely it felt that this young waiter thought I was apparently UNDER 21! Ha! :)

After the recent battles I have endured with UNWANTED gray hairs <--click for that lovely post!
it was nice to be mistaken for being that young again! :)

A Hawaiian Volcano has never tasted so sweet as it did last night! :)

Do you secretly love being carded or mistaken for younger than you are?

Does it sercetly give you a bit of a thrill, as it did me, as well?



  1. For real! I love it, too! I had a friend try to burst my bubble when I was sharing a similar experience by saying "he was fishing for a tip." I said, " I do NOT care!"

  2. Hey there! I am your newest follower from the weekend blog hop (I am one of the hosts!)!! I am trying to play catch up on all the people to follow! I am SOOO with you on getting carded! MAN I love it!! I love your blog! I can't wait to comb through it!!! :)
    Anyway I have three blogs I hope you will follow back! hopping one)

  3. I hear ya!!! I hardly ever get carded anymore, I never thought i would, but I miss it!! I'll have to keep my fingers crossed that it'll happen the next time i go out!!lol! Hope you are enjoying your weekend:)

  4. I'm 37 and still get comments that I look 25 and get carded all the time! I think about when I turn 40 and will still be getting carded. Always a great feeling! Following you from the Finding new friends blog hop. Please stop by.

  5. I am so with you! I want to hug the waiter when he cards me for my drink!

    Thank you for joining us for the Finding New Friends Weekend Blog Hop. I'm now following you! Please remember to join us again next Friday to find great new blogs and make new bloggy friends!


  6. Hehe. Cracks me up when I get carded!

    Hello from a new follower on the Blog Hop!

    I am so excited to be one of the featured bloggers on this week’s Friendly Friday!

    I am trying to visit everyone on the hop!

    Please feel free to stop by: Put A Little Umbrella In Your Drink

    Lesli :D

  7. Hi. I am your newest follower. I found you on the Saturday Spotlight Blog Hop. I would love if you would follow me back at
    Heather H.
    The Price Crusher

  8. Hilarious! I completely agree, I was so annoyed when I was younger but now that I'm in my 30's, what a compliment! How fun that you got to go hang out with the girls and have that ego boost as well. :)

    Thanks so much for stopping by our UBP! Have a great rest of your weekend!

  9. i have to admit- i am jealous that you got carded! xo, shari

    BTW, just found you on the blog hop! i'm your newest follower ;)) shari


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