
Thursday, April 7, 2011

Spring Weather Theme - Cloud Fun with Spilt Milk

This week has been busy and we haven't devoted much time to our home "school".  We are stll reading about spring weather though and the girls have been very curious about clouds. I checked out a few books from the library on clouds and I wanted to share a fun activity we did on one of my favorite children's books - It Looked Like Spilt Milk.

My girls loved It Looked Like Spilt Milk and as a teacher I have loved this book for years. It is a wonderful children's book with easy repetitive text that gets the kids chanting along. It helps them work on their prediction skills as they try to decipher what comes next and of course it is a wonderful tool for engaging their imagination!

Activity: Spilt Milk Art

The first time I did this activity was during my first year of teaching with 3 year olds. That was over 13 years ago and it never ceases to amaze me how such a simple activity can produce such different results every time!

What You Need:
Blue Construction Paper
White Paint
Paintbrushes or Sponges (optional - I have also done this via fingerpainting)

What To Do:
1. Fold the blue contruction paper in half and have the child(ren) use the white paint to blot a design on one half of the paper. This is also a good time to talk about symmetry!

2. Fold paper in half and press down

3. Open to reveal your "spilt milk" symmetrical design and have fun using your imagination to "see" what it is!

My Lil Divas each saw different things in these pictures.

In the 1st they saw - a butterfly/a heart           
The 2nd was - an angel/bunch of grapes
The 3rd was a video game controller/sand castle           
the 4th was a bird/bow

What do you see?



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  2. Oooooh Im going to try that, great post!

  3. How fun! I am stopping by from the UBP11! I am your newest follower! I cannot wait to read more. I hope you will stop by and follow me back :)

  4. My daughter did this activity when she was three. She said her splot looked like a turtle.

  5. I have been meaning to check out that book, I will add it to my list :) My daughter would love it, she is always telling me what the clouds in the sky look like.

  6. We will have to do this! I've been seeing these everywhere. But having the kids tell us what they think it looks like is the best by far!
    TFS this!

  7. Thanks for linking to Read.Explore.Learn. The artwork looks great!

  8. What a fun idea. I remember that book from years ago! Haven't seen it in ages. I'll have to hunt it down again.

    Thanks for sharing this with For the Kids Friday! Hope to have you back to share more fun this week!

  9. can't wait to try daughter will love it! Thanks for all the great ideas


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