
Thursday, April 7, 2011

To My Aunt, With Love!

My aunt has been visiting from NY the past week. It has been wonderful having her around. She is so much more than just my aunt - that name seems so inadequate. She is my second mom and one of my best friends. Our bond is a strong one. Throughout my life I have always known that I could turn to her for anything. During my pre-teen and teenage years, she was the one I often turned to with my problems, concerns, fears, etc. She has never let me down, steered me wrong or ratted me out - lol! To this day, she is one of the first people I would call if I needed to talk, wanted to share good news, needed an ally or just required a friendly voice.
Now that we are both adults, she sometimes turns to me to vent or to discuss being a mom to a young woman (my cousin is 21). It's nice that I can now return some of what she gave me as I was growing up. We will never be even - for there is no one like her. She is generous to a fault but I try to act as a sounding board and the voice of reason having endured those teenage/young adult years not too long ago myself. ;)

Whenever we are together, I love watching how my Lil Divas interact with her and vice versa. I can see how I feel about her shining through them and it makes my heart happy. They truly love her (and she them) and have so much fun together. I wish they could share these moments more often but I do not fret too much about it because I know that their bond is genuine and neither time nor distance can affect that. Our own relationship is a testament to that!


  1. Hi! New follower from the blog hop. Have a goodnight! :-)

  2. This is so nice! I have an aunt like this too, and it's the best! BTW, your girls are beautiful!

  3. To me it has always been easy to feel more than just being your Aunt. You were the first ray of light in our family whom I could truly love. Now that I have my own family, I see no reason why things have to change with you and me, and I welcome the two little divas as an extension of the love between me and you. What a beautiful mother you have become. And by the way, you are still my little DIVA:)

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