
Tuesday, May 10, 2011 - A Site Review

A while back I reviewed an amazing toy site - You can read my initial review here ---> Ebeanstalk review.

I was genuinely excited when I found and I continue to be impressed with them. Why? Honestly, they make shopping easy!

There aren't many toy websites that allow you to search for toys by specific age groups and by category.
Plus, everything is well organized and the site is actually easy to navigate - toy shopping is not just easy but enjoyable!

I spent quite a bit of time searching through the gifts for 4 year olds . Specifically I searched through the Toys for 4 yr. old girls section since I have a certain Lil Diva with a birthday coming up in just 2 weeks! :) You can check out the Toys for 4yr. old boys section too. I love that you have the option to search by gender this way! Of course I had to check out the "Top Selling" toys for 4yr. olds to see what was popular - there were quite a few things featured that we own and even more that I know my Lil Divas would love.

What I personally like as both a mom and an educator is that offers so many wonderful developmentally appropriate learning toys! I am all for my Lil Divas having fun and learning in the process and I value that Ebeanstalk carefully matches each learning toy with the appropriate stage of development.

Another cool feature that sets them apart from other toy websites is that when shopping for toys you can narrow your search not only by age and sex but also by category (like books, outdoor toys, dolls, puzzles, etc) and skill (such as imagination, education, language, social, etc). How cool is that? You can find the right toy specifically geared towards something you want to work on like crawling, language, etc. I LOVE this feature!

I find that really takes the guess work out of toy shopping. They make it easy to find just the right toy and they have a wide selection so there is sure to be something to please every child between the ages of newborn thru 12 yrs. old.

So go ahead & check them out and see for yourself - I honestly believe you'll be as pleased with what you find as I was. 

Here are a few more links to get you going:
Happy Shopping,

Disclaimer:I was not compensated for this review, however, I will be receiving a giftcard to That being said, this review is my 100% honest opinion of this website - I really do think it is an awesome site, which was why I was so excited to be given the opportunity to review it and share it with all of you. 

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