
Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Fancy Girls and Posh Jeweled Butterflies

The Lil Divas really enjoyed our Caterpillar/Butterfly Theme. It was definitely one of their favorites to date. Honestly, what is there not to love about butterflies - especially when you get to witness the magic first-hand like we did!

We read many wonderful butterly books which I shared with you in various posts. We learned lots of wonderful information this way but one book we read simply for fun because we LOVE the series - Fancy Nancy: Bonjour, Butterfly.

We adore Fancy Nancy and we hadn't read this particular book in awhile so on the final day of our butterfly theme - I pulled it out and we oohed & ahhed over the glittery cover and got to reading!

The Lil Divas never tire of the wonderful illustrations or the big, fancy words in these books! They are perfect for Posh Lil Divas like mine & this one does not disappoint.

Craft: What else can you do after reading a posh book except make a Posh Jeweled Butterfly! (I must admit this craft was inspired by another blogger's craft. Unfortunately, I do not have the link! So sorry!)

What You Need:
3 Pipe Cleaners - 1 for body & 2 for wings

What To Do:
1. Take the pipe cleaner you will use for the body and fold in half. Twist it around leaving some of the ends free to form antenna

2. Attach the other 2 pipe cleaners to the bottom of the body so that you have one on each side of the body.

3. Let your child add beads as desired but leave room to manipulate the pipe cleaner.

The youngest Diva just added whatever beads she wanted

The Oldest Diva decided to make a symmetrical pattern - she learned well!

 Here is her finished pattern:

4. I then made a wing shape and twisted the ends around the top to close the wing shapes and tada - you have a gorgeous jeweled butterfly even Fancy Nancy would approve of!

These butterflies were so easy to make, required only a few materials, and they turned out Oh, so posh &  unbelieveably cute! :)

Do your kids have a favorite book series that they never get tired of reading? I'd love to know about it!


  1. Great job on the bead butterflies. Your little ones look like they had a great time.

  2. so cute !my son would totally enjoy this craft!

    new follower ! found you on tuesday blog hops!

  3. Very sweet and lovely take on your "standard" butterfly. The beads really make it look cute!

    Thank you for linking to Red Ted Art!!!


  4. Your butterflies are so pretty.

    This counts as your first entry in the Read.Explore.Learn. Reading Challenge.

  5. Lovely butterflies. My four year-olds favourite word at the moment is 'posh'!

  6. fun! I love that they did theirs each very differently one using the pattern and the other just doing it her own way. Very well done. Thanks for sharing at art 4 little hands. Hope you come back again tomorrow.

  7. Catching up on neglected links! Thanks for linking up at Feed Me Books Friday! I was surprised to find that Fancy Nancy's appeal was not limited to little girls - we tried one out from the library recently.

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