
Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Trash to Art - Making Art from Nature & Recycled Materials

I really like the idea of using "out of the box" materials for art work. The Lil Divas love to paint and draw with markers and crayons but every now and then it's wonderful to take a break from the routine materials, to simply try something different and let the creativity just flow!

Children have a wonderful ability to see something wonderful in just about anything. Plus, these kinds of crafts are environmentally friendly and frugal.

What We Did:

The Lil Divas were supplied with various materials like newspaper, pebbles, twine, leaves and cardboard. The rest was up to them and they both got really into it. They each ended up making numerous works of art.
Awesome butterfles (I helped with the cutting)  and flowers were made from the materials using the cardboard as their canvas.


The next time you are taking a stroll - have your lil one be on the look out for things you can bring home to create with. Then set aside some time to let them sit with their materials and see what they come up with.

Have you strayed from the markers, paint and crayons lately? What "out of the norm" things have you used lately with your children to craft? I would love to know!



  1. What a great idea. My daughters will love doing this! I'm following you from Bassgiraffe's bloghop! I hope you have a wonderful day!

    you can find me @

  2. Love how you let them decide what to make. They did a really great job. The flower is great! So sweet. Lovely to craft with "stuff"

    Thanks again for linking!

    Maggy x

  3. Came by thru the Blog Hop and saw I was already following thru GFC but I did follow on Facebook and Twitter today. I would really appreciate a follow back on those if you haven't already. I had no idea that Facebook numbers matter as much as GFC and I am having a hard time getting products to review. I don't understand why since you do the reviews on your blog but you have to do what they want so now I am backtracking and playing catch up. Thanks for following any way you choose and have a great weekend.


  4. Cute! Your little girl is adorable :)

    Following back :)

  5. Visiting from the Waltz on by Wednesday blog hop! I'm loving your fun crafty ideas. I'm your newest follower :)
    Please stop by - would love it if you followed back.

  6. Cool project! Looks like fun! Hi. I found ya through the Thursday hop. Hope you'll come visit me and follow me back at:

    Happy Thursday,


  7. I love this idea!!! So much fun..nothing better then being creative!!!

    Following you well as following you on twitter too @Princessmom2

  8. Recycled crafts are my favorite : ) Thanks for linking up with Fun for Kids Friday. I'm your newest follower.

  9. This is excellent idea! So simple, creative, cheap and hands-on! And then again, kids learn they can use and reuse something people normally trash and never look back. :)

    Thanks for adding some of your posts to our High paw linky last week. Featuring this one on new post. ;) See you around. And have fun girls!

  10. I love trash to art projects. And your flowers looks so nice. Very cool.

  11. I love nature art! The flowers are wonderful:)


Thanks for taking the time to visit Mom to 2 Posh Lil Divas! I hope you will stay awhile to explore all we have to offer!