
Saturday, June 11, 2011

Introducing Show Us Your Town - A Fun Summer Hop!

I am so excited to be joining 3 other fabulous and adventurous bloggers in bringing you an awesome summer linky series - the Show Us Your Town Hop!

As the summer season is upon us and we all get more active, we thought it would be fun to share what kinds of fun things there are to do around our areas and see what everyone else is doing in their "neck of the woods"! It always awesome to find out about cool places we have never been to!

This summer we have so much fun planned here in sunny FL plus we are taking a 2 week long family road trip next month. Yup, we are being extra adventurous this summer! We will be driving to NY to see my family and back but in between we are going to visit some amazing places. On our way there we will be spending a few days taking in the sights in Atlanta, Georgia and Hershey, PA. There will of course be NYC family fun and then on the way home we will be visiting Washington, DC and Cape Canaveral in FL!

Are you ready to join in and share some sights and fun? Great, becasue we are all looking forward to seeing all of the fun places you guys will share!

Your hosts are Me - Bernadette from Mom to 2 Posh Lil Divas
Michelle from Heartfelt Balance Handmade Life
Jenn from Coolest Family on the Block
Michelle from Michelle's Charm World

Be sure to grab our button so you don't forget to check in on all the excitement and share yours with us every Friday-Saturday all summer long!

Show me your town


  1. I'm a new fan from the blog hop and new follower via GFC. I would love it if you would follow me back!



  2. I did a post and tried to back date so that I could add to this link up, but am a little late...
    Here is the direct link to the post though, in case folks wanna see it:

    Happy Monday! Will be ready for next week's blog hop though. Thanks for inviting me to be a part of it! :)


Thanks for taking the time to visit Mom to 2 Posh Lil Divas! I hope you will stay awhile to explore all we have to offer!