
Sunday, October 2, 2011

Febreze Set & Refresh Review

As soon as you enter my home you are pretty much greeted by this:

Yes, it is our shoe tree! While it might not be our prettiest piece of furniture it is practical for us. We live in a two story home and I find it easier to just leave the shoes we use on a daily basis downstairs, so we can quickly put them on when it's time to go.

Unfortunately, this also adds a bit of a musty odor to our living room since that is where our glorious shoe tree is situated. I have been using Febreze Noticeables and while I love the scents in these oil warmers my Littlest Diva LOVES to unplug them - so they don't always do the job since they aren't plugged in.

When I heard about NEW Febreze Set & Refresh - I knew we had to try it! The Febreze quality and scents we love without the hassle of a liquid plug-in.

So, to test the new Febreze Set & Refresh I placed it on top of wall in our doorway which is directly next to the shoe tree. It was very easy to use - simply remove them from the packaging and insert into the holder. That's it - not cutting, no batteries, no plugs required!

The Set & Refresh lasts a long time - up to 30 days. The scent wasn't overpowering, it had a nice clean smell which we all liked. Happily, we also had no issues with the girls touching it! It really is sleek and unassuming so they never paid much attention to it - which is what you want in an air freshener.

The first few days we really noticed the scent in the room, then we got used to it and didn't smell it as much but I know it was working because we didn't have the musty shoe smell either. Two weeks into using the Scent & Refresh my mom came for a visit and immediately asked me what I was using because she liked the scent!

I love entering our home and catching the Linen & Sky scent. Now you wouldn't even know our shoe tree was there. If only I could find a way to make it as unnoticeable as our Febreze Set & Refresh.


Disclosure: I wrote this review while participating in a blog tour by Mom Central Consulting on behalf of Febreze and received a Set & Refresh unit plus refills to facilitate my review and a promotional item to thank me for taking the time to participate.

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