
Friday, October 7, 2011

Fun on the Farm: Pig Pancakes, A Farm Mini Book & A File Folder Game!

I surprised the Lil Divas with these pig pancakes the other day.

Needless to say they were a HUGE HIT!

They were easy to make too.

Just prepare your pancakes (or mix) the way you normally would.
Tip: 2 small pancakes = 1 pig

1 pancake makes the face &
with the other make the snout & ears.

Then using chocolate chips add eyes, nostrils & a mouth.

That's it! 
Easy, Fun & Delicious!


The Lil Divas also worked on a Farm Mini Book.

I made the template - (if you would like it just e-mail me). We used farm stickers for our animals and the Lil Divas drew in some scenery. The Lil Divas were excited to act as illustrators and they have been reading their stories all week.

Here's a peek at our Farm Mini Books:


To practice our farm words I also made a simple file folder game using clip art of farm animals.

I glued the pictures into the file folder and added a small piece of velcro near each picture. Then I typed each of the farm words & laminated them, adding some velcro to the back.

The Lil Divas had to match each farm word to the correct picture.

Here's what the Farm File Folder Game looks like.
(The Farmer is missing from this picture)


Farm Theme Movie Night:


  1. Your pancake is so cute! I love your farm book too.

  2. We soooo are making pig pancakes!! Yummy!

    Thanks (as always) for linking on Kids Get Crafty!


  3. I love playing with food and I love working creative food ideas with education ideas.


Thanks for taking the time to visit Mom to 2 Posh Lil Divas! I hope you will stay awhile to explore all we have to offer!