
Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Wordless Wednesday w/Linky - Haunted House Fun 10/19/11

This past weekend we enjoyed a fabulous day at the Pumpkin Patch.
Feel free to click the link for some fab photos ;)

They had a family friendly haunted house that The Lil Divas loved.
They were way more into it than I expected & we got some fun pictures!

The Lil Divas are super excited about Halloween this year!

Have you enjoyed any Halloween related outings?


  1. Oh my, my sister and I wouldn't have went anywhere near those creepy looking things at that age. We were terrified to go trick-or-treating most of the time because of all of the creepy costumes. It looks like the little divas had fun, though :)

  2. I love how your girls are totally into the haunted house! Look at them posing!

  3. Oh how I miss your blog and all its posts. Being without my laptop for over week and then trying to get back into the swing of things I've been without some of my favorite blogs! So glad I'm back. I can't believe your girls aren't scared of those gruesome things. My boys act like they're not scared, but they are deep inside. =)

  4. Looks like a pretty awesome haunted house!

  5. My girls would never go near any of that, wait, what am I saying, neither would I. Can't believe your girls are so "into" it.
    Thanks for linking up at Tots and Me

  6. Fun photographs! I went to All Hallow's Revenge this weekend, but they encourage not bringing kids because it is quite scary. 0.o

    -:¦:- WW: Ghostly Moon -:¦:-

  7. He he. I love these. Too cute.

  8. Eeeeek! They don't look scared at all!


Thanks for taking the time to visit Mom to 2 Posh Lil Divas! I hope you will stay awhile to explore all we have to offer!