
Sunday, November 6, 2011

Monster Fun: Our Very Own There Was An Old Monster Box

The book, There Was An Old Monster! is always a hit with the Lil Divas so I knew we had to have some monster fun with it. Are you ready for some fun? 

Craft: Monster Box

We LOVE how our Monster box turned out!
The Lil Divas wanted it to look like the monster in the story
& I think we did a fabulous job! What do you think?

It was pretty easy too!
Ready to make your own monster box?
Here's how -

What You Need:
tissue box
construction paper
*we used 2 sheets for the body and some scraps for the eyes and tooth*
wiggly eyes (you can also use paper & markers)

What To Do:
1. Wrap the tissue box in construction paper.
1 paper covered the length as seen below

2. Take a send piece and cover the sides. 
I measured and cut the paper as needed.

Now your monster face is covered & ready for decorating!

3. For the horns I cut out a horn shape to match the photo.
The Lil Divas used bingo do-a-dot daubers to make dots on them.

4. To make them stand up on the box - I cut a small strip of paper and made a circle. I glued it to the back of the horn  and voila - they now stand up nice & straight!

5. For the eyes the Lil Divas cut circles from various colors of construction paper. We used 2 for each eye and topped with a colored wiggly eye. I LOVE the mismatched & misshapen eyes - so fun!

6. Add 1 yellow tooth and your monster is complete!

The best part of this craft -
there are so many ways to use this little guy!

We practiced number recognition.

I wrote numbers 10-20 on small sentence strips and 
the Littlest Diva had to feed the monster the correct number. 

The Oldest Diva reviewed 20-30 for fun - 
she had to get in on the action! 

Then I had her practice counting to 100 by 10's.

She counted out loud and fed the monster the correct numbers as she went along.

Then of course we practiced a few sight words that have been giving her some trouble.

She had to read them and if she was correct, she could feed them to him.

There are so many possibilities -
practice letters, numbers, math, colors & more.


Another fun activity we did was some Story Retelling 
to practice their comprehension.

Story Retelling (from Making Learning Fun)

Making Learning fun had these great printables. 
I just changed it up a little by using a paper bag with a ziploc inside. 

The girls loved seeing all the things the monster ate fall into his belly!

We had lots of fun with this book!

Don't forget to check out the rest of our Monster Fun


*I am linking up to some of these fun linky parties.*


  1. SERIOUSLY!!! This idea couldn't get anymore AMAZING!! so creative!! I jsut got an empty kleenex bow and was thiking...mmmmm what can I do with this!! Thanks soooo much for the fun idea!!!

  2. What a creative and wonderful idea! I am pinning and stumbling this. You rock! Vicky from Mess For Less

  3. What fun! Must try it sometime, my boys would love it and feeding a monster letters or numbers would keep them excited.

  4. L-O-V-E this ! What a fun craft & learning activity at the same time!! Thanks for linking it up to TGIF Linky Party. I also shared it with my readers on facebook -
    Beth =-)

  5. This is fantastic, really, you always do the funnest learning games. I need to do this with my girls.

  6. Such a fun idea and very creative.....I love it! Your girls are beautiful :)

  7. Hi there. This is a fun idea! Little sweet monsters are the best. I linked up my recycled circle tree. I have often wanted to link up but always seem to miss it because I don't tend to blog on Sundays. :) Thanks for inviting me again. :) Also thanks for your comment love so good to hear from other mommies that have a similar interest and craft obsession with their kids.;)ps. your blog name is super cute.

  8. Wonderful post! Love the ideas =)


  9. Love this idea. My daughter loved this book when we had it from the library. (My husband, however, refused to read it since he thought it was too gross!)

    I would love it if you would share it at Thank you!

  10. That is incredibly cute! Thank you for that idea! I love how you not only made it a craft but also a learning tool too. I'm going to use this for my two preschoolers! I'm hopping over from if you feel like taking a look! I'm now following you via RSS.

  11. This is awesome and so going on pinterest. DS is going to love this when we do our monster unit.

  12. LOVE your monster, such a great idea! thanks so much for sharing on craft schooling Sunday!

  13. Aaaah that is a brilliant monster! Isn't he just fun! And the book sounds great too!

    Thank you for sharing on Kids Get Crafty!


  14. Super cute monster! Love him. I know our kids would flip if I made something like this for them.

  15. What wonderful monsters! The bag with clear tummy is something I will have to do.

    Thank you for linking to Read.Explore.Learn.

  16. fun craft! I like the activity with the numbers you made out of it too. Thanks for sharing on monday madness.

  17. He looks just like the monster in the book! Very cute - love the use of the numbers and sight words too.

  18. I read this book to my son all the time! We included it @ theclassroomcreative's Summer Reading Activities. Now I have an activity to go along with the book! Enjoy your summer, Karen & Nicolette

  19. Thank you SO MUCH for this idea my completely non-crafty eldest LOVED this! He even cried when I said it was time to stop so we could make hotdogs and popcorn for family film night!

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  21. What a great idea! always a hit with the Lil Divas so I knew we had to have some monster fun with it.
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