
Saturday, November 26, 2011

The Sunday Showcase 11/27/11 - Showcasing Your Child Centered Ideas!

Welcome to 
the Fabulous Sunday Showcase -
where we showcase YOU!
  The SUnday Showcase
We feel confident in saying that this linky is always full of amazing ideas
so be sure to check out what your fellow bloggers have linked-up.
You will be inspired, awed and ready to create!

If you are here for the first time please take a moment to read
our informational post for full details -
we like to think this is a relaxed linky but there are a few guidelines.

Anything kid friendly and/or child centered is welcome!

We don't accept links for giveaways, shops,
or downloads for purchase, etc.
They will be deleted & we do monitor our links.

If you're linking up with us - please visit some of your fellow bloggers!
We ALL love comments, encouragement, feedback, etc.

One of your 2 Hostesses (Mom to 2 Posh Lil Divas and/or Classified:Mom)
will be visiting & commenting on your shared link(s) -
we always appreciate your comment love too!


This week's Showcase Features
taken from last week's post:

The "most clicked" idea from last week's linky -
Learning Ideas from K-8's Heart Shapes Christmas Tree 

Now onto a few of our personal faves from last week:

Nurture Store's Quirky Eco Planters 
seem like so much fun to make, plant & garden with.

Mommy Labs taught us how to

Getting ready for the holiday season?

Creativity My Passion's Salt Dough Ornaments
are a great homemade way to decorate your tree

At Number 29 gave us a great tutorial on how to create our own

If you have been featured, grab a button you deserve it!

The Sunday Showcase Feature
Mom to 2 Posh Lil Divas
Elf Ideas for Christmas Countdown
Thanksgiving is done & here in Diva land that means 1 thing -
Our Elf, Jack, is back and the Christmas countdown has begun.
Jack is very adventurous and is always looking for fun new places
to perch on to scout out the Lil Divas antics.


November is Nutrition Month Food Collage
The month of November was one of my favorites to teach art to preschoolers 
before I became a SAHM. Why? Simple. There are so many good things going 
on in November: fall, Veteran's day, Thanksgiving - but most of all  
November is Nutrition MonthCoincidentally, it falls in the same month 
where we take one day and celebrate it by stuffing our faces: 
Thanksgiving (no pun intended here).

Thank you for linking up with us!
Aimee (Classified:Mom) & Bernadette (Mom to 2 Posh Lil Divas)


  1. Love your elf on the shelf! I just pinned a bunch of activities to my Kids' Thanksgiving and Christmas Activities Pinterest boards! Thanks for hosting your wonderful linky each week! :) Deb @

  2. Thank you for featuring me. :o)

  3. What an awesome blog hop...showcasing creative activities for kids!!! Absolutely love it.

    Thank you...I appreciate the opportunity to connect with others who love crafting with kids.

    Hope you will have a chance to visit my parenting blog:
    and the website for my book that is chockful of quick and easy craft and cooking activities for kids.


Thanks for taking the time to visit Mom to 2 Posh Lil Divas! I hope you will stay awhile to explore all we have to offer!