Google+ Mom to 2 Posh Lil Divas: Wordless Wednesday Linky: A Toothless Grin! (11/23/11)

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Wordless Wednesday Linky: A Toothless Grin! (11/23/11)

This past weekend the Oldest Diva lost her 2nd tooth.

They grow way too quickly!
Can someone tell me how to stop it? 

My baby girl is fast becoming a big girl.
There is no denying it,
& apparently there's no stopping it -
no matter how much I'd like to try.


Before I share the linky I want to wish all my fabulous
a very Happy Thanksgiving!



  1. Congrats to 2nd Diva! And I wish I could stop my little one from growing, too. Crazy how it goes so quick!

    Happy Holidays!

    Gillian from Baby Talk without the Babble

  2. Yippee!! That is so exciting! You mentioned on my previous Wordless Wednesday post (the one with my son with his first missing tooth)that your daughter was soon going to lose hers. It is amazing how long it holds on. My son was so scared to pull his:)

  3. My daughter lost 5 teeth in quick succession, now she seems to be taking a break. She turns 6 in a few weeks, we'll see when the teeth start falling out again! :)

  4. Yay for your daughter. Not so yay for you. I have no idea how to slow it down. Wish I did. I have 3 teenagers, I would love to slow down these little ones so they never reach there.
    Happy Thanksgiving!!

  5. Sorry, no way to slow it down. I know my son has his first loose tooth right now but it's not to wiggly loose...but he's trying to wiggle it everyday to make it really loose! LOL


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