Google+ Mom to 2 Posh Lil Divas: Play to Learn: Gingerbread Man Sight Word Cookie & Number Matching Game

Thursday, December 8, 2011

Play to Learn: Gingerbread Man Sight Word Cookie & Number Matching Game

During our Gingerbread Theme this week, 
we have had some fun playing learning games.

Gingerbread Man Sight Word Cookie Game

To practice recent sight words with the Oldest Diva we played this game.

What You Need:
gingerbread cookie cut outs
gingerbread cookie cutter
large piece of brown felt

How To Play:

1. All the gingerbread cookies were placed on our big piece of "felt" dough. 
2. The Lil Divas used a cookie cutter to cut out a gingerbread cookie.
3. In order to put the cookie on their baking sheet they had to correctly read the word written on it.
4. The first person to fill up their cookie sheet was the winner & they got to "bake" their cookies in the oven.

The Lil Divas had fun playing this one over & over again.


Gingerbread Man Number Matching Game
Gingerbread Man Cookie Number Matching/Memory Game

I am still working with the Littlest Diva on her number recognition (10-20 & beyond). Lately, she has been pretty stubborn about not wanting to do it. She does enjoy memory/matching games so I decided to combine the two in the hopes that she would spend a bit of time practicing her number recognition.

What You Need:
gingerbread cookie cut outs
box, cookie jar or basket

How To Play:
1. Make 2 matching gingerbread cookie cut-outs for each number
2. Place all numbers facedown
3. Child will turn over 2 cookies at a time, reading each number aloud, as they try to find a match.
4. If they find 2 of the same numbered cookies and they can read the numbers - they get to keep the cards. If they can not identify the numbers the cookies go into the cookie jar.
5. Continue until all cookies have been matched.
6. At the end of the game, spend time reviewing the numbers of any cookies in the cookie jar.

Have fun playing & learning!


  1. Cute idea! I'm going to "Pin" this for when my son is a little older. Thanks!

  2. I like your ideas !
    You could also add this : find the good way to write the word when your child do not remember it easily ...
    Thanks !

  3. Such a fun activity! Pinning this for when my son is older!

  4. Love the sight word game! What a great idea!

  5. I love these cute ideas! I might try the number matching game with my little boy.

  6. I love all your learning ideas with your littles. So fun! I'd love for you to link up to my Christmas Linky Carnival.

  7. What a very great and fun way to learn! Brilliant!

    Thanks for sharing on Kids Get Crafty :-)



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