
Friday, December 23, 2011

Upcycled Christmas Tree Craft + Fun Kids Snack

We don't usually buy 2 liter soda bottles but I bought some for our Halloween party back in October and when I went to recycle them - the green Sprite bottle instantly gave me visions of Christmas Trees so I saved it to use later.

Fast forward to later & I had apparently completely forgotten about my inspired bottle craft until my hubby asked me just the other day if he could finally put in the recycling bin since I had not used it. What? The poor logical man really has no idea that these things can & should be saved for long periods of time until inspiration hits (haha!).

Here it is in all it's glory - 
Upcycled Soda Bottle Christmas Tree Craft

Isn't it cute? 
A perfect centerpiece for the table during the holiday season
& it was so easy to make. 

What You Need:
green soda bottle 
(we used a 2 liter bottle but you could make mini trees with a smaller size)
pipe cleaners
pom poms (various colors & sizes)
craft glue

What We Did:

1. We wrapped pipe cleaners around the bottle as garland
I just let the Lil Divas wrap them together anyway they wanted.

2. Add lots & lots of pom pom ornaments!

I also made a pipe cleaner star for the top which 
was just inserted from the bottle opening.

A fun, easy, festive & cute upcycled Christmas Tree!

Snack Time Fun: 
Sugar Cone Christmas Trees

These are by no means a new or original idea but they were new to the Lil Divas and that made them fabulous all over again for me too. 

Step 1
Cover your sugar cone with lots of green frosting

Step 2:
Decorate with small candies

Step 3:

What Christmas Tree crafts did you enjoy this holiday season?
It's never too early to begin planning for next year! 


  1. love the upcycled tree! great idea!

  2. How fun! That bottle tree really made me smile!

    Thanks for sharing on Kids Get Crafty!


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  6. The Christmas season is a special time for many families. Singing Christmas carols, decorating the tree, hanging lights and stockings, celebratory meals, and decorating cookies are among the professional book writing service many families partake in at this time of year. Another great family holiday activity is to do Christmas crafts together with your kids. Christmas crafts are a wonderful way to engage with your children, make memories, and create new traditions. Crafts also boost kids' creativity and fine motor skills.1 Plus, these projects often make festive decorations or gifts that can be enjoyed throughout the holiday. Below, we asked a variety of crafty bloggers to share inspiring Christmas crafts to try at home.

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