
Saturday, February 18, 2012

The Sunday Showcase - Share Your Kid Friendly Fun!

Welcome to
  The Sunday Showcase -
where we showcase
  The SUnday Showcase

We feel confident in saying that this linky is always full of amazing ideas
so be sure to hop around & check out
what your fellow bloggers have linked-up.
We promise you will be inspired, awed and ready to create!

If you are here for the first time please take a moment to read
our informational post for full details -
this is a fun & relaxed linky but there are a few guidelines.
Anything kid friendly and/or child centered is welcome!

We don't accept links for giveaways, shops,
or downloads for purchase, etc.
They will be deleted & we do monitor our links.

If you're linking up with us we do encourage you
to visit some of your fellow bloggers!
We ALL love comments, encouragement, feedback, etc.

One of your 2 Hostesses
 (Mom to 2 Posh Lil Divas and/or Classified:Mom)
will be either visiting & commenting on your link(s),
and/or sharing them on Facebook, Twitter or Pinterest. 
We aim to spread the love & we appreciate your comments as well!
This week's Showcase Features
taken from last week's post:

The "most clicked" idea from last week's linky 
Next Generation Homeschooler's
  Playdough Layers of the Earth

Some of our Favorite Ideas:

Caution! Twins at play! created this awesome
Melty Bead Basket:

Learn how to create an Easter Plate Clock
with Learning Ideas Grades K-8

Lessons Learnt Journal
shared some Light Box Play ideas

Lifestyles of the Stay at Home Mom
made a list of 22 Ways to Entertain Your Kidlets

Growing A Jeweled Rose showed us how to make
 Homemade Glowing Bath Paint

If you have been featured, grab a button you deserve it!
The Sunday Showcase Feature

Mom to 2 Posh Lil Divas
Dot Sticker Art

Animal Alphabet Art- J is for Jellyfish

J Kids Craft

Thank You for linking up with us!
Aimee (Classified:Mom) & Bernadette (Mom to 2 Posh Lil Divas)


  1. That's awesome, thanks for highlighting my project. I'll be back next week to link up =)

  2. Thanks for hosting! I love going through all the different ideas :) I'm following both of you on GFC!


Thanks for taking the time to visit Mom to 2 Posh Lil Divas! I hope you will stay awhile to explore all we have to offer!