
Thursday, March 1, 2012

A Wacky Wednesday Diva Style - One Mom's Fun (Inspired by Dr. Seuss)

Have you read Wacky Wednesday by Dr. Seuss? If so, then you know how much fun it is to "spy" all the wacky things on each page with your kids. If not, GO! Get the book and read it, soon! My girls were in fits of laughter over the wacky silliness on each page. Seuss really knew how to get a child's attention.

After reading the book, my Oldest Diva asked her sister, "What would you do if we woke up tomorrow and there was a shoe on our wall?" The Littlest Diva's reply - "Freak Out!" Amidst a good laugh by all three of us, I was inspired. Yes indeed, the Lil Divas would wake up to a Wacky Wednesday of their very own. So, that is exactly what this Lil Diva Mom did and may I just say - I enjoyed every minute of it.

Inspired by the shoe on the wall, I put shoes all around the house - in unexpected places. There were shoes on beds, on doors, in the bathtub and in drawers.

There were picture frames turned upside down and on their side, upside down dolls and dolls with shoes on their head instead of their feet. There were shoes on lamps and we even found a shoe on the front door!

There were flip flops in the sock drawer, a shoe nestled with the stuffed toys and one of daddy's sneakers was even on display on a big trophy.

What a Wacky Wednesday!

The Littlest Diva was actually a bit sad when I admitted it was me behind all the wackiness (the Oldest Diva asked so I answered). I guess she liked thinking she had magical shoes. Ah, to be a kid again!

This would be fun to do in the classroom too. 
You can just make things extra wacky like chairs and desks turned the wrong way, move things around like the furniture or clocks. The kids would get such a kick out of it. You could even invite them to dress wacky if that's allowed. :)

At home you could get creative with your food - eat breakfast for dinner, make your milk a different color, etc.

Have fun being wacky!


  1. We have not read this book Bern! But looks like a funny book! Adding to my books to read list

    1. Esther it is a fun book! The girls really enjoying finding all the wacky things on each page.

  2. One of my favorite Dr. Seuss books, and I wish I'd thought of your activity! Very fun. Next Wednesday!

  3. OMG I had fun just reading. What a wacky fun idea .

  4. I have never heard of that book, but I must say it sounds like fun! Going to have to look for it at the library now! And what a fun day! Love it!

  5. We did the shoe fun at our house. I told my kiddos that it must have been Thing one and two. The boys are 5 and my girl is 2 1/2. So we believe in tooth fairy, Santa etc....

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  7. Toddlers' sizes run from 0–13, The smallest sizes in this range are tiny baby shoes, but the larger sizes often fit kids who are 4 or 5 years old or even older. The variety of terms you're likely to see include, baby, walker, toddler, little kid, big kid and youth.

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