
Thursday, July 19, 2012

Easy DIY Kids Harmonica {via Montessori Tidbits}

Today's guest post is a fun DIY activity from Leann of Montessori Tidbits. Leann is a homeschooling Mom who shares things like her Top 25 Games to Make Math Fun, practical learning applications like Using Measuring Cups to Teach Fractions and my favorite post - Dr. Seuss Books Listed by Reading Levels.

Let's turn things over to Leann and her fun
  DIY Harmonica

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My son loves to play musical instruments, especially if he can create them himself.  A few years ago, we learned how to create harmonicas out of popsicle sticks, and it has been a favorite ever since!  They are super fun and easy to create in just a few minutes.

  MT2PLD harmonica5
You need:
  • 2 popsicle sticks (large works the best, but small works fine too!)
  • 3 rubber bands – 1 wide one and 2 thin ones
  • 2 strips of paper (about 3/4” x 3”)
  • tape

1.  Place the 2 popsicle sticks together.  MT2PLD harmonica3
2.  Wrap the paper completely around each end of the stick.  Tape the paper into position.  (The tape cannot touch the popsicle sticks.)
3.  Slide out 1 popsicle stick, leaving the paper and other popsicle stick in place. MT2PLD harmonica1
4.  Place the wide rubber band lengthwise across the one popsicle and paper strips.
5.  Place both popsicle sticks together.  Put a thin rubber band around each end.
6.  Enjoy!

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535686_10150932236814256_601874255_1[2]Leann is a homeschooling mama to one, proud wife of a cop, and pet lover of their two dogs and frogs. Her personal blog, Montessori Tidbits, chronicles their homeschooling journey, while throwing in tidbits about life, reviews, and recipes.


  1. Thank you for sharing this with us Leann. I love how simple this is and what kids doesn't enjoy making music? Perfect!

  2. What a great post Leann! I'm pinning to do in the very near future with my boys. They will be tickled pink.

    1. Allison, I plan to do it with my girls too! They love playing music and putting on shows so I know this would be a hit! Let us know how it goes with your boys if you try it. :)

  3. OK I apologize If I just sent this I was typing a comment and it just disappeared. I love this idea my little boy loves to play the harmonica.

    1. don;t know why your comment disappeared :( but thanks for typing it again :) This would be awesome for a harmonica loving boy like yours! Be sure to let us know if you try it.

  4. what fun, I could never make a blade of grass squeak so I doubt I'd be able to get a sound out of this, but worth a try

  5. This is awesome! I run a sing-along at the park twice a month and try to bring supplies to make a simple instrument before we start. The kids loved the harmonicas.

  6. Is there a trick to this? Can't really get it to make any "musical sound." Thanks!

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  8. Such an amazing DIY he has made. Doing DIY or crafts can make kids' brains more sharp and improve creative skills. Check out Art and Craft Supplies over here.


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