
Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Kids Get Arty: Exploring Pop Art a la Andy Warhol

It's time for another Kids Get Arty

I have been looking forward to this ever since we completed our Van Gogh Masterpieces. The biggest challenge for me was picking an artist.  There are so many wonderful artists I want to expose the Lil Divas to, it was hard to pick just one. Then one day the Lil Divas were playing with my phone, taking pictures and having fun with them on PhotoStudio. The Oldest Diva wanted to print out her photos and that's when inspiration struck! 

Pop Art 

a la 

Andy Warhol!

I pulled up photos of Warhol's work on my laptop and let the Lil Divas see them. My idea was to print black and white photos of the Lil Divas and let them paint them Warhol stye (visions of his famous Marilyn Monroe art were dancing through my head!). The Oldest Divas was not biting. She promptly informed me that photos are art and she wanted to use the photos she had created on my phone to make  Pop Art of herself. 

Although it wasn't my original intention, I opted to let the Oldest Diva take the lead. Afterall, this project is about letting the Lil Divas explore new things, try different mediums and get arty. 

The Lil Divas took turns photographing each other and then using photoshop to add different colors and effects to their photos. I was amazed at how well they are able to navigate the program. It was wonderful to see that they had a feel for Warhol's work and were trying to recreate his use of color in their photos.

We printed the different photos and the Lil Divas each chose 6 to use for their Pop Art Masterpiece. They cute out the pictures and arranged them the way they wanted onto card stock.  

It was a simple activity but they are both so proud of their Pop Art

I am proud of them to.
They had an idea, knew what they wanted to do and did it, 
even when I tried to convince them otherwise.
Great job getting Arty girls!

Until next time (in September) if you would like to join us -
pick an artist and get arty!

Kids Get Arty is a bi-monthly link up which is meant to encourage exploration of the great artists! It is brought to you by  Red Ted Art, Imagination Soup, Imagination Tree, Mom to 2 Posh Lil Divas & Tinkerlab  


  1. Love the pop art the girls created. Very well done.

  2. Aren't your girls just the cutest! Love the shots of them taking their photo. I love Andy Warhol and remember doing an art project on him at school. I know we will most definitely being doing Warhol as part of this series, at some point too!!!!

    Thank you so much for hosting and joining us on our Kids Get Arty journey!


  3. That is really clever, great to use technology to creat art too.

  4. Welcome to a new Linky Party for Kid-Focused Bloggers. Monday Kid Corner is a place to share your kid-friendly activities and crafts. Please join us at See you there!


Thanks for taking the time to visit Mom to 2 Posh Lil Divas! I hope you will stay awhile to explore all we have to offer!