
Saturday, July 7, 2012

The Sunday Showcase - Oh, So Many Ways to Paint!

Yes, I am away 
but of course I still wanted you 
to have a place to come & play!

So hello & welcome to this week's edition of
  The Sunday Showcase -
are the STARS of the show!
The Sunday Showcase

The Sunday Showcase is hosted on SIX blogs!
Mom to 2 Posh Lil Divas
Here Come the Girls

Inspiration Laboratories
Make Do & Friend

The Iowa Farmer's Wife
Train Up a Child

Each blog showcases their own features 
so be sure to check them all out!

If you are here for the first time please read
this informational post for the full details.
Anything kid friendly and/or child centered is welcome!
You are welcome to share more than one post,
but we don't accept links for giveaways, 
shops, or downloads for purchase, etc. They will be deleted.

If you're linking up we encourage you
to visit some of the other links!
Everyone appreciates comments, encouragement, feedback, etc.

One of the co-hosts will visit your link & spread some comment love.
We also share some on Facebook, Twitter &
now we will be adding our features and faves to our Pinterest board
Yes, you read that correctly!
The Sunday Showcase now has a Pinterest board -
devoted to sharing YOUR posts!

Please note that by linking up you are giving us permission to use a photo (with proper link to you!) in our featured section and on our Pinterest board!  If you prefer not to be featured simply comment below or e-mail me to let us know.

The Showcase Features:
(taken from last week's posts)

This week I was in awe of all the fun ways to PAINT that were shared. I LOVED seeing all the kids having so much FUN with art

Creatively Blooming showed us how to whip up a batch of
super simple (yet LOTS of FUN) SIDEWALK CHALK PAINT!

Adventures at Home with Mum shared her son's messy adventure

Putti Prapancha let her daughter paint outdoors... 
on a slide with FROZEN PAINT CUBES!

Love, Play, Learn taught us how to make

and The Journals of a Laura Ingalls Wannabe invited her daughter 
to use their wading pool + paint + textured balls to create
some messy & fun POOL PAINT ART

If you have been featured, 
grab a button you deserve it
& it's oh so cute!


From your Hostess:

Since I am on vacation I don't have anything specific to feature of my own but I would like to invite you to check out some of the FABULOUS
 Guest Posts that have been shared here this week.

Thank You for sharing your ideas with us!

1 comment:

Thanks for taking the time to visit Mom to 2 Posh Lil Divas! I hope you will stay awhile to explore all we have to offer!