
Monday, August 20, 2012

First Day of School 2012

It's the First Day of School
and I marvel at how much they have grown.

As I fight the tears,
my heart swells with pride
that despite a few fears
they are excited they are to go to school today.

With a hug and a kiss,
I send them on their way
but from my heart they are never far away.

This is a sad day for me as I am sure it is for many moms. It's the end of one chapter and the start of another in our lives. No more fun preschool mornings and leisure afternoons together. Now our lives will be filled with homework, rushing from here to there, bigger expectations and more time away from each other. That's the part I find the hardest - having my babies away from me for most of the day. 

I know this is how life goes. Our babies grow up but really it feels like it were a mere blink of my eyes from the time I held my newborn baby girls to today when I send you off to Kindergarten and First Grade. I can't help but think that today marks the beginning of that pull away from me. No longer will I be your whole world because your world grows bigger everyday.

I am proud - watching you so brave and excited. Yet, I am also sad because you are testing your wings. These years at home with you have been an amazing gift. I will cherish them always. 

I can't wait to see how you continue to grow, learn and develop. I know I have given you a solid foundation and I will continue to help you build upon it along the way because that's what mom's like me do. 

I will miss my girls dearly. My sweet baby girls that were all mine. Now, I have to share you.  Although I always teach you the importance of sharing - mommy is struggling with this one. It's hard to hand your children over even if only for a few hours a day to the care of someone else who will teach them, guide them and mold them. I can only hope that you will be blessed with caring teachers who want the best for you. At the end of your day, I will be waiting. Eager to hear about your adventures.

So test your wings, soar as high as you can and know that Mommy is here when you return.

Happy First Day of School to my Lil Divas
and to all those starting school today (& soon enough).

Wishing you a year filled with laughter, learning,
friendships, adventure and discovery.


Get the cute posters I used for our photos (for grades Preschool thru 12) from I Heart Naptime

1 comment:

  1. so gotta remember to print mine out and put on a stick before the first day. i downloaded them a few weeks ago. i have become a pinterest addict. love your blog.

    come see my new design
    Pre-Schooler Daze


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