Google+ Mom to 2 Posh Lil Divas: Cottonelle "Name It" Contest and Giveaway

Sunday, November 18, 2012

Cottonelle "Name It" Contest and Giveaway

This isn't my usual type of blog post. We have never talked "potty" here because my girls are well past that stage but frankly, it's something that affects all of us in our everyday lives. The Littlest Diva has very sensitive skin and suffers from eczema so I have to be very careful and selective (a.k.a picky) of the products I bring into our home for bathing, laundry, skin care and toiletries.  

My go to brand of choice for all of our bathroom "fresh care" needs is Cottonelle. Using Cottonelle Ultra Comfort Care Toilet Paper in conjunction with their Fresh Care Flushable Wipes is how we keep fresh and clean on a daily basis in our home. I don't know about you but wiping with toilet paper alone never leaves me feeling as clean as I'd like and that is important to me. It's also something I have taught both my girls, so we all make regular use of Fresh Care Flushable Wipes.

I make sure we always have both toilet paper and wipes available in all of our bathrooms for ourselves and our guests. I enjoy providing our guests with everything they need to feel both at home and fresh and clean. I make sure that everything is readily available so that no one feels awkward or has to ask for anything, especially in the bathroom. How embarrassing is that? I've been there and certainly don't want our guests to be put in that awkward position.

Now that I've shared my family's "fresh care" routine with you. I have to ask - do you have a "Fresh Care" routine? Cottonelle is asking us all to rethink our bathroom routines.

The Cottonelle Fresh Care Routine Name It Contest
Cottonelle wants everyone to feel cleaner and fresher by using both Cottonelle Ultra Comfort Care Toilet Paper and Fresh Care Flushable Wipes. They call this combination the "Cottonelle Care Routine". What would you call it? Join the conversation on Cottonelle's Facebook Page  and name it for your chance to win a year's worth of Cottonelle products. I would be pretty excited to win that, wouldn't you?

I visited the page and played with the randomizer and got these names for the Cottonelle Care Routine -
1. Crazy Fresh
2. Fresh Up
3. Hydro Power

Pretty funny, right! They have lots of interesting choices. I actually like Crazy Fresh - it definitely seems appropriate. Check out the Name Generator on Cottonelle’s Facebook Page and you can Name It three ways yourself:
  1. The Randomizer: click and get a random name instantly
  2. The Personalizer: answer a few questions to generate your personalized name
  3. The Customizer: create your own name to add to the Book of Names and be entered for a chance to win a year’s supply of Cottonelle products.

Visit for more on Cottonelle toilet paper,
flushable wipes, coupons, and more.

My customized name would be - The Feeling Fresh Duo. What name did you come up with? 

Cottonelle Care Routine Pack Giveaway - (2 winners!)
Share your customized name with me by leaving a comment below (in this post only) before November  23, 2012 for your chance to win 1 of 2 Cottonelle Care Routine Packs being given away here on the blog. Each pack includes a pack of Cottonelle Ultra Comfort Care Toilet Paper and a pack of Fresh Care Flushable Wipes. 

In order to qualify for the year’s supply of Cottonelle Ultra Comfort Care and Cottonelle Fresh Care, entrants must create a name through The Customizer on Cottonelle Brand’s Facebook Page between now and February 28, 2013. Winners will be selected in a random drawing on a weekly basis. There is a limit of one prize per person. See full terms and conditions on Cottonelle Brand’s Facebook Page or
Stay Fresh and Good Luck,

Disclosure: I participated in this Ambassador campaign on behalf of Mom Central Consulting for Cottonelle. I received product samples to facilitate my review and a promotional item as a thank-you for participating.


  1. Double Cleaning. I like Butt Beauty better.

  2. Really fresh and good product to use. You need a precise place to put it. You may need to install some bath aids to get it nearer your whenever needed. You can also get few other bath accessories to make user experience good.

  3. For any kind of sort of plumbing-related issues, you can check the JPPlumbers. They are using a high-quality option and have very high account, experienced workers. You can look at for drain cleaning services at an affordable rate.


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