Google+ Mom to 2 Posh Lil Divas: Exploring Spring Weather with Kids

Thursday, April 11, 2013

Exploring Spring Weather with Kids

We have been having fun exploring some elements of springtime weather in preschool - wind, rain, rainbows, clouds and more. It's such an engaging and timely topic and the children have been very attentive and excited about our activities.

I started the week by telling the children that we were going to observe and chart the weather all week. It turned out to be the perfect weather watching week. We had a windy, rainy, sunny, cloudy and partially cloudy day. I could not have planned it better had I been able to manipulate the weather myself.  To chart the weather I made a large chart with the 5 school days of the week. I printed off some images for the different types of weather (I just googled clip art).  Each day, after observing the weather during our morning outdoor playground time, we added a picture on the correct day that the children thought best described the weather.

While learning about rain we did a simple and fun exploration that the children really enjoyed to simulate what happens to a cloud when it rains.

Exploring Rain Clouds

I filled a clear plastic container with water and topped it with shaving cream (our cloud). I provided the children with blue watercolor paint and pipettes. 

The children dropped the blue watercolor onto the shaving cream and observed what occurred. After a few drops the watercolor dropped through the shaving cream cloud, into the water and made visible blue rain.

The children were in awe. It was such an easy, hands-on and visual way to show them how it rains when clouds get overfilled with water.

Making "Magic" Rainbows

Ok, I must admit that we didn't "really" make rainbows but the kids were mesmerized by this color exploration nevertheless and spent a great deal of time on it. It's just a weather spin on the classic "Magic Milk" experiment. Many of you have probably done this many times over.

I put some milk on a clear plastic plate and then let the children add drops of food coloring directly onto the milk. They used red, green, yellow and blue food coloring. I also gave each child a toothpick and a  small cup of dish soap. The children dipped the toothpick into the cup and placed it in the middle of their plate. Then they oohed and ahhed as the "magic" happened.

The colors mixed and swirled, revealing a wonderful "magic" rainbow. It really is a visually neat experience. No two plates had the same reaction, yet they were all awesome. The children were intently watching their plate, glancing at their friends plates and so excited by the whole process.

It's wonderful how a few simple ingredients can ignite so much enthusiasm. If you haven't tried this activity - go for it! It certainly won't disappoint.

If it's not rainbow watching weather, you can always make rainbows with prisms. It's a fun learning activity for kids to try.

For some other rainbow themed activities for kids check out our Rainbow Posts and my Rainbow Pinterest Board

Exploring Clouds

While we were talking about clouds we explored cloud dough (8 cups flour to 1 cup baby oil). The children enjoyed the soft sensory feel of the dough but they got bored very quickly.

To make it a bit more inviting I gave them additional baby oil to mix in to the dough as they pleased. My class loves exploring concoctions so I knew this would grab their attention.

They poured and mixed to their hearts content (until I ran out of baby oil).  We ended up with a super soft dough that had a play dough like consistency.  The children, especially the girls, loved this dough. I have no measurements or recipe for reproducing this. It was completely their's and they were free to add baby oil and mix as they pleased. 

Ivory Soap Clouds

My preschoolers love microwaving Ivory Soap so I knew I wanted to reproduce this favorite activity to make "clouds".  It's pretty awesome to watch the soap go from bar form to a puffy white cloud in seconds. For more info on what to do you can visit my previous Ivory Soap Exploration

Easy Spring Windsocks

In order to explore wind we made windsocks and (of course) flew them. My class loved this activity. I didn't get any photos of our wind day because I forgot to take them. I will share a quick photo of the Lil Divas doing the same activity. I have to fit them in here somehow don't I? Here's our Windsock post if you want to see how we made them.

Spring Windchimes

These easy to make spring wind chimes combine art/painting with some fine motor/stringing fun for kids.  Here's how the Lil Divas made their spring windchimes

To explore how wind moves things we did a fun experiment using straws and various items from around our classroom.  It's an easy wind exploration children can do at home or school. Unfortunately, I didn't have my camera on hand so I didn't get to snap any photos but the Lil Divas did this experiment at home last year with items from around our house -

For more spring themed activities be sure to check out our Springtime Fun Pinterest Board.

Have fun exploring spring weather with your kids!

Disclosure: Provided links are Amazon affiliate links and are provided for your convenience.


  1. These are all wonderful activities and I can see how interested and engaged your students are. You have a lovely family and a lovely school.

  2. I really love these ideas. We did the wind here
    but I can't wait to try your ideas!

  3. Love exploring the clouds and making rainbows. I wish the weather here would look more like spring so I could get out and explore!

  4. You seriously do the most amazing scientific things with your girls! I am in awe!

  5. These are wonderful ideas. I wish I would of had them two weeks ago for the weather unit we just completed. I love the wind chime idea. It turned out super cute. Thanks for all the great ideas.


  6. Great weather study!! I'm pinning it :-)

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