Google+ Mom to 2 Posh Lil Divas: Adjective Me Activity in Kindergarten

Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Adjective Me Activity in Kindergarten

We have been learning about adjectives in kindergarten. Introducing my kinders to descriptive words was a bit trickier than I thought it would be. They were stuck on colors and sizes - the brown bear, the big puppy. 

That's when inspiration hit and I decided we had to make it much more meaningful and personal in order for them to appreciate how many different descriptive words there are besides those used for color and size.

Adjective Me

I had my kinders start a web in their interactive notebooks with their name in the middle. They were given the task of thinking of 5-6 words that would describe who they are to someone who doesn't know them. 

Once we had our webs completed they moved on to their self portraits. I LOVE how these turned out. They are just too cute. They really added some great details like their hairstyles, earrings, etc. One of my faves was the first one below where one of my boys gave himself muscles so he would look big - so funny!

We cut out the self portraits and added them to a piece of colored construction paper. Then my kinders rewrote their words and we cut them out and glued them around their self portraits. 

The final products were adorable and each one was unique even if they used a lot of similar words. My students really started to see that there truly are many types of descriptive words as they viewed each other's projects. They are getting so much better at picking out the adjectives in sentences we read.

Next, I want to try a similar activity where they have to come up with adjectives to describe their classmates. I think it will be a wonderful friendship building and confidence boosting activity aside from reinforcing our language arts lesson. That one will have to be turned into a class book because I know they'll want to look at them over and over again.

Have you done any fun activities with adjectives? I'd love to hear about them.



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